The Boort District Health public dental clinic is a 2 chair clinic that’s offer dental services provided by our experienced Dentist and dental team and includes full mouth x-rays (OPG). Our friendly staff are happy to assist you with any questions you have.
Please call us on 54515230, our desk is not always attended but a voice message from our patients is appreciated so we can get in contact with you.
Boort District Health offers both PUBLIC and PRIVATE dental health services. The services offered include:
- Emergency care
- Preventative oral health treatments
- Prosthodontics i.e. Dentures
- Orthodontic referrals
- Children’s dental health care
- In house Smile Squad
To access PUBLIC general dental, denture or specialist dental care through Boort Dental Clinic, patients will be required to meet the following criteria…….
- All children aged 0 – 18 years are treated at NO COST regardless of concession card
- Adults aged 18 years and over, who have a concession card
- All refugees and asylum seekers
- All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are free
Patients who have priority access will be offered the next available appointment for dental care and will not be placed on the general care wait list. The following groups have priority access:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Children (0 – 18 years)
- Homeless people and people at risk of homelessness
- Pregnant women
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Registered clients of mental health and disability services, supported by a letter of recommendation from their case manager or staff of special developmental schools

Child Dental Benefits Scheme

In January 2014, the Child Dental Benefits Scheme was introduced. This scheme allows for up to $1000 basic dental treatment over a two year period for eligible 2 – 17 year olds.
We also offer care through Smile Squad for children eligible for Child Dental Benefit Scheme
Things to know:
- 2-17 year olds are eligible if the they receive Family Tax Benefit A, or other relevant Australian Government payments
- Treatment is bulk billed through Medicare
- Eligible children pay no out of pocket costs
- No wait list, children will be offered the next available appointment
What dental treatments are available?
- Dental check-ups and cleaning teeth
- Fissure sealants and fillings
- Dental X-rays
- Extractions
- Root canals